Sunday, 3 July 2016

Brexit, political turmoil and breath.....

What a week in Politics ! Scotland finds itself stuck in the middle of a national referendum that saw the majority of the UK vote to leave the European Union. Not in mind that we don't want to be friends with our European neighbours, holiday in Europe and trade with Europe but because the whole political machine had become unaccountable, federal and created too many jobs for the boys.

So Boris led the charge and has now retreated from the battlefield having stabbed Cameron in the back he too has been knifed by Gove, who the party faithful have now rounded on to ensure he doesn't succeed in his bit to be leader. Meanwhile at Labour HQ 46 shadow and junior shadow cabinet members resign hoping to trigger a coup to replace Corbyn but as I type he is hanging on in there showing no sign of resigning.

It's all been quite baffling and we do feel a little detached from it all here in bonnie Galloway. The tide comes in and out twice a day, the cows graze in the fields, the hotel is open and busy with visitors from all over the world, we're busy planning our next menu change - probably mid July and we've appointed Jake Hopkins to the position of Head Chef and George Constatin to the position of Sous Chef, both following a 3 month trial since Paul Somerville left us to head to pastures new down south near Lyndhurst.

So has Brexit impacted on us ?... Not as yet

Will Scotland remain in Europe ? .... Highly unlikely

Should we still come to Scotland on holiday ?..... Absolutely

We're open and it's business as usual.... why not take a break from all the daily doom mongering in the newspapers and on the news, come and visit the beautiful harbour town of Kirkcudbright.

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